Saturday 30 July 2011

Feeling fruity

Hi there a very quick card this week(cause I'm really meant to be packing, as we go on holiday on Monday and that's no.2 son home from his camp complete with washing !! so decided while it's on to sneak upstairs and do this.
First of all may I thank you all for your lovely comments once more and special thanks to those that helped out with my bags of problems.And yes it is solved -  you were right Bostick is wonderful Joanne! and sorry in advance if I don't manage to leave comments on many of your cards as I will be sunning myself in Portugal(Yippee sun and heat at last). 
Found this weeks challenge from Less is More really hard , but got on my thinking cap and came up with this ( and in case your wondering it's a get well card .)Drew the apple free hand then used it as a template for the larger one.The sentiment outside reads "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" and yes it is hiding something tried about 20 times to print it off the computer and mucked it up 20 times :-) and inside reads "Get well soon!"
Well best get back to the job of packing .... well after I've had a quick look at all your lovely cards of course!!! x

Sunday 24 July 2011

Ribbons or buttons

Hi there,first I would like to thank you all for the lovely comments you gave me for my very first entry to the less is more challenges and blogging.No wonder this challenge site is so popular! It has encouraged me to try this weeks challenge.Although not sure if I'm happy with it to be honest.(and the quality of the picture is poor too but this was the best of the lot - sorry ) No.1 son said it was a bit boring done in black and white,and no.2 son is away to cadet camp(missing him heaps he's the chatterbox along with me and it is SO quiet!!!!)so can't get his opinion,but maybe one of you will tell me.Think maybe I should have added some pink gems to the flowers to brighten it up???? , ah well too late now...
   Can I also ask if you could spare some time to check out an older post called "bags of problems "and would be grateful for any suggestions. Thanks. x

Thursday 21 July 2011

Bags of problems!!

Hi there hoping for some help! But before I do anything else,I would like to thank you for all the lovely comments that you wrote me. I really appreciated them and have encouraged me to try my hand at these hand/giftbags. These are the rough drafts of the bags  (that's one of the reasons that they look so grubby)Got my idea from the hand bag cards that I made,but have ran into a little problem as you will see as you scroll down and the the second reason that they're so grubby!!    
 ( Plus what do you think one handle .......                                                          

....or two? )                                                                   The problem is when finished either the back pops off or the front wont stay down! Grrrr I have tried red tape at the back -nope as you can see and velcro dots at the front.Please can anybody give me any suggestions where I'm going wrong? It is so frustrating !!!!!
If it wasn't for this problem they look really cute (well i think so hee he )

 I am so chuffed this the first time I managed to post this  all by myself no help from hubby or boys YES!! and thanks to all those that said, they too needed help good to know that I'm not alone! x

Saturday 16 July 2011


This is my first official post on the Less is More site (although I have been playing along for a few weeks unofficially!) Being a newbie to card making I don't have a lot of stamps or a vast array of inks etc - although as you can see my first purchase was the cuttlebug - but on this site you don't need it, as it says less is more!
For this card I used a scrap of embossed card die cut some circles and there you have it .the gem is rather large but thought that if I used this one it would show up better in the photo.Gems seemed to be my trademark as every card ends up with one somewhere :-)
hence the name of my blog!Please feel free to give me some feed back x

Sunday 10 July 2011


 Hi there, thought that I would show you one of the ideas that I had for the less is more challenge, managed to print the sentiment off the computer ( well chuffed that I can now do this!!) used a homemade stampamajig to centre the reindeer added the stickles and then had the great idea to add holly as it looked a bit bland - except it ruined the card ! and now after 4 more attempts have given up maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow.
Speaking of which have invited my friend round to look at the new look "crafty room " - which if I'm honest is the addition of a long shelf and a tidy up of the computer area, but it does me fine.Hoping to post some pictures while it still looks neat and tidy. x

Thursday 7 July 2011

A simple children's card

Welcome to my blog!

                     Being new to the card making scene most of my first attempts were so bad they ended up in the bin !   These handbag cards were the first that actually turned out looking how I imagined them.The problem( or should I say my problem was) when I started out I bought stuff willy nilly and then found that most of it wasn't suitable for my project,luckily I had a good friend who shared her expertise and her equipment with me.(Thanks Susan)But back to the cards made the pink one for a friend(who is always buying handbags) and for my great niece.The handles were made using bangles from Primark!