Thursday 29 December 2011



 Hi everyone hope that you had a really great Christmas!! 
 This week at  Less is More the one word -easy peasy i thought well know that saying famous last words??  and by the end of the week had thought of some more one words as effort after effort ended up in the bin - but we won't go there!                                                        
Think I would have been still trying if I hadn't popped into Asda and picked this freebie up with a magazine while looking for inspiration- it's great think it might become one of my favourites!
The one word is 'Wishing...' and in the card it says 'you a birthday as special as you are !' and is perfect for a friends birthday that just happens to be on the 2nd of January.(Now just need 4 more for January birthdays ....)
now off to check that we have everything for our Hogmanay party in case i need to brave the shops again. 
To Mandi and Chrissie would like to say a big thank you ,the site has been a font of ideas, inspiration and tips that I for one have taken full advantage of, and a huge thank you to everyone who takes the time to comment and share their expertise, looking forward to the challenges in 2012!! x

Sunday 18 December 2011


                                                                                                                This week the theme at Less is more is Music ,and I just happened to have this freebie Robin stamp sitting waiting to be used!it also means the very LAST of my cards made - yippee!
Sorry about the quality of the picture but after 25 tries gave up hee he.(I intend to try out Picasa in the hols to see if that will help.)
The song was computer was generated and the robins coloured in with promarkers.The holly was meant to go where the word holly is but those blasted inky fingers got in the way.
Off now to do some commenting but before I do  just wanted to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a big thank you to all that take the time to leave me a comment - it is greatly appreciated!! x

Saturday 10 December 2011

Let it Snow!

The challenge this week at Less is more is Let it Snow! (Not sure if this will qualify but  this is the only snow/snowflake stamp set that I have and not sure that it meets the let it snow  theme ???).Just finished writing my cards to-day and realised that it was this time last year  that armed with a stamping up holly roller and card blanks that I made my first cards took a few months after that to start in earnest and by summer I tried entering into the less is more challenge and it's been great getting inspiration and comments (so thank you all ).Speaking of which just want to say sorry haven't been commenting so much lately but been a bit busy with work and decorating.In fact had to post a picture of my finished wall I think the card making has now gone on to take over my life!!

      Thought the wall needed something so added the stencil then thought there was still something missing and went and got some jewels from my stash and added them to the wall!!Even my husband and boys agreed that it just finished it - well it will be when we paint over the filled in holes that you can just see hee he.