Friday 31 August 2012



Another really busy week ,a neighbour is in hospital having an op and have been helping out with the babysitting so that her husband can visit so not much time to do crafting or commenting but hopefully will be able to drop by before the Casology challenge closes!
When I saw the challenge I couldn't help but think of when my boys were small,the one thing that I loved to do to relax at the end of a busy day, was to take a book into the bath and have a looong soak -  have even been known to even take a glass of wine in there too ah sheer bliss!! 

Sunday 26 August 2012


Less is More  3-2-1

Before we go to my card (which is at the end of the post in case you would like to skip right to it), would like to share our 'do' with you 
Last week saw us celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary- scary how quickly 25years can pass!!- with a gathering at a local hotel.It wasn't a big affair just close friends and family ( some we hadn't seen for ages and one that you might know......)  I had an absolute ball!- even though I had a senior moment and left the most important stuff at home,we had booked a room and I never ever travel without my heated rollers,this time took the rollers just nothing to heat them with ,disaster AND  I left my new sucky in pants at home too even bigger disaster, but never mind a few dances a few hot flushes later (don't you just hate that certain age!) and nobody would have noticed anyway! but just thought that I'd like to share some of the photos with you ,bad hair day and all ....

My boys! (Russell and Fraser)

                                 Can't believe 25years have passed since we did this! Well o.k I can when I see the saggy bits and the the wrinkles (thank God I now need glasses or it would look even worse)...                                                                     
                                   ....Wonder if we'll make it to our golden - Dick would be a sprightly 80 and Me - well that would be telling ;-)......

This is our anniversary baby born on our 9th anniversary weighting 9lbs 9oz.he turned 16 on our anniversary. Russell loves this picture - yeah and that is sweat on his brow - he never took the jacket off he thought it made him look so grown up!! must admit he did look good in it :-) (proud momma moment)

And this is Suze Bain from  CantStopCrafting blog, I'm sure many of you will recognise that name! Suze was the one who introduced me to card making and the wonderful world of blogging.- and yes I'm standing funny ,it was the end of the night and my feet were killing me....unlike my younger friend who I'm sure could have danced all night!!!!
Sorry for the long post but if you read on you'll find my entry for this weeks Less is More challenge too!

3 - 2 - 1

Think I might be reaching here but here it goes ....

     3 words , 2circles and 1 car

  How hard can this challenge be ? had loads of ideas but all looked and felt flat when I finished them ,so hopefully I can follow Chrissie' lead and use an abbreviation on the word 'you've' for my 3 words

Last week was such a busy week never got around to commenting or even joining in the challenge so apologies and I promise I will pop over to visit to-day x 

Wednesday 15 August 2012

School card

Have tried to get a side view and curled the pages so you can see them better of the 'apple book'this morning.
When I saw that this weeks challenge At CAsology  my heart and my jaw dropped - ladies I had been looking forward to a WHOLE day crafting had cleared the decks (all done yesterday and tough if it wasn't) but by the time I had tried a few things last night,this morning and well into the afternoon and finally this evening ,I threw my hands up and decided that this would just have to do :-) -  but I suppose it wouldn't  be a challenge if it was easy ..... but how about a nice easy one next week cos I'll be back to school next week Pleeease!!!!

     Of course I didn't have an apple stamp so had to draw it,wanted the apple  to look like a book so layered it up but unfortunately the camera hasn't picked that up there is a little bit of white at the edges that are the pages -honest
Found the little poem and the book worm/ caterpiller on the web ,drew some lines to look like jotter pages  and stamped the alphabet background with a SU stamp.
                                 Thanks for looking x

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Casology -Birds

                (I went to post this weeks entry for 'birds' and I was  over the moon to discover that I had been given a Honourable Mention in last weeks challenge!! Thank you ladies and thank you Rosemary for those lovely comments they were really appreciated.)

            Challenges I am entering are  :-       
             CASology - BIRDS
         52 Card Pick Up wk 31

This weeks cue card from CASology was Birds and I was totally stumped (not a lover of bird cards) I first of all thought of a feather,cage etc - but then remembered about this freebie stamp from a magazine last year and this is what I came up with , a one layer card .I scored a panel for the robins coloured them in using promarkers and with a cocktail stick added some stickles to the crowns .I then stamped the sentiment masked it and then added the holly as it looked a bit too plain for a Christmas card.
Got to own up too made a mistake and tried to cover it with the gems and couldn't see it with the naked eye, but when I took the photo guess what the gem isn't covering as well as it looks in RL, typical!!!
Just like to say I'm really enjoying these challenges,you really are making me think -even when I should be sleeping!!Can't wait for the next one. x