Saturday 24 November 2012

Die cuts and punches

                   Challenge 79 More Than One Punch And/Or Die Cut

                Glamour and Glitz (use glitter,bling,or something that twinkles ,sparkles or shines)

Started this card last week for the  Less is More challenge of  hardware but ran out of time  but luckily the Crafty cardmakers stays open for  2 weeks -but even then I'm making it by the skin of my teeth !
Originally stated with snowflakes but it just didn't seem to work with the gold bell and unfortunately that's the only colour I had.
P.s sorry about the photo -  intended to buy a new camera for my hubby's Christmas but he wants a phone instead !Looks like I'll have to add it to my wishlist ....
The holly is clearer in RL but basically covered  paper with a SU  roller (holly) in old olive, used a punch to cut out the holly shape stuck them on a diecut circle and used my crop-o-dile to punch out the holly berries ,.tied on the bell ( the sentiment is computer generated) and another Christmas card is done !
But guess what when i looked at the Less is More site (was late this week normally look on the Saturday ) and guess what think I can use this one this week too! Great!! The diecut circle has ice stickles on it so it sparkles and twinkles in the light love when that happens dont you?
Thanks for taking the time to look x 

Saturday 10 November 2012


(I can't believe how long this card has took...mind you it would have been a lot quicker if I hadn't done it as a layer first only realised my mistake when I was about to  post it - so it was back to the old drawing board!)

Any way the Less is More team ...(Welcome Jen great inspirational cards by the way ) are looking for houses, felt really clever because this lighthouse one popped straight in to my head , until I continued to scroll down and realised that Jen and Chrissie had the same idea  :-D!
This is an image that came on a cube stamp and had wanted to try embossing (thanks Chrissie for telling how to make the sandwich ) and also to use a blender pen on my SU marker pens but ended up using it with the pens and distress inks - and think it worked well with both. Another couple of techniques to add to my belt !
 Something else I would like to learn is how to add above my 'add a comment' box a thank you message to say how much I appreciate all your comments,  can anyone help me with this please ?

Again I have been very lax with commenting but I am finding the tennis elbow gets worse when I spend too long on the computer so have to do it in short bursts...but at least I can still play! ha ha x

Thursday 8 November 2012


(Had intended on my days off to catchup with the thirty or so Christmas cards that I have to do but ended up taking part instead with the CASology challenge)
 As you can see the  Casology cue card this week is Orange not a colour that I have a lot of - or so I thought  I actually had heaps (perhaps cos I don't use it a lot!!) remember seeing this technique in someone elses  blog ....(wish I could remember  where though - if it yours I hope you take it as the compliment that it is that I have used it here ) Thought it was great idea using two different coloured  diecuts and swopping them around .I used a textured  and a smooth  card  for the diecuts then popped the smooth  leaves into the textured negative not sure if you can see it in the picture but looks good in RL he he - will definitely use this again!
Will pop in and see you all while I work on  my Christmas cards tomorrow.....
Thanks for looking x

Monday 15 October 2012

Put your heart in it

            Clean and simple project with a heart in it

                                        Thought that I  would join in with this weeks challenge at CAS-ual Friday where it is to use a heart on your project.I find new home cards really hard to do but came up with the house a few months ago for a friend that was moving in to her first home so when I saw his challenge and couldn't get the saying of 'home is where the heart is...' out of my head !! decided to make a  a new home card. Made the house from scrap paper and die cut the hearts, circle and scalloped circle ,computer generated the sentiment  'home is where the heart is...' and there you have it . Thanks for looking x 
p.s haven't a clue why there is that big white things around the pics don't know what I have done!! 

Sunday 7 October 2012


Afternoon everyone, wanted to give this weeks challenge at Less is More a go so I could  use some silver embossing powder ,I got from a friend when she was on holiday in New York in the summer that and the fact that last week came down with a  fluey(is that a word??)virus over the weekend AND most of my week off was spent getting over that!

It's not often that I post cards that I have heat embossed but loved the silver so thanks Chrissie and Mandi for getting me to unearth it (even did a close up so you can see that yes it is embossed! )

Back to the card embossed the SU season of joy
sentiment stamp,punched out SU ornament apperture affixed it to mirri card added a piece of holly on a dimensional and another Christmas card done ...the sum total of 2!!! well its a start :-) Off now to do a bit of commenting x x

Thursday 27 September 2012


When I saw these weeks cue card at CASology just had to use this baby shoes,just love them! Have done them in pink before but instead of blue decided to use an aqua colour (SU pool party) ,just to be different :-) and used vintage sepia ink to stamp with not so harsh as black.
Felt it was a bit bland so stamped over some hearts to put in all that white space at the top and there you have it ,one baby card to add to the collection!
Thanks for taking the time to come over and have a look x

Monday 10 September 2012

New home card

Can you  believe that this card has literally taken me weeks to make!and I have made so many attempts that have just had to be binned, that I was on the point of buying one -yeah I know cover your ears  girls!
It's for a close friend and work colleague, who is moving  into her own place and I wanted to make her a card that was girlie, but still a new home card .I have looked and looked on the internet for inspiration but nothing fit the bill.I was at a SU party on Sun (had a great day and learned a new technique ,if your interested our demonstrator was Aileen of Stamp up Your Craft click on the link to take you to her blog) and had even asked the girls there - no joy but came home and love SU melon mambo card so basically made the card with it and then added bits as I went a long!
 The sentiment was going to read 'Home is Where the Heart is' but it was too long, so made the card look out of proportion.
It is a very simple card ,but I kinda like it what do you think?

Friday 7 September 2012

CAsology -Family


This weeks Casology challenge fitted perfectly with a card I had to make for my nephew this month  ,don't you just love that when it happens! my nephew turns 39 this year and has always hankered for a motor bike so that made it an easy card to make as I just happen to have the Su motor bike stamp!!.
I coloured it with denim blue promarkers and the sentiment is computer generated.
It's been hot here in Aberdeen and I have spent the day outside with the children from our nursery class and now looking forward to starting the weekend with a glass of wine and my sons homemade cottage pie .
Have a great weekend  x

Sunday 2 September 2012

Brown and Pink

 Pink and Brown

Whenever I saw this weeks Less is More challenge I knew what I wanted to do problem was didn't have the stamps that I needed to do it!...that was until Suze told me about a craft shop that was closing down so hot footed out there yesterday and they had exactly what I needed (and some extra that I didn't - well they were a bargain!)

I used a cuttle bug folder for the embossing for the card,the baby shoes image is a fiskers clear set stamped in vintage sepia and coloured with a SU marker pen in blushing bride and the tiny tag is a SU one again with vintage sepia.

Still baby sitting for our neighbours so that their dad can visit mum in hospital, poor Maureen had to have another op on Fri so will try and comment but if I don't manage to apologies to one and all x

Friday 31 August 2012



Another really busy week ,a neighbour is in hospital having an op and have been helping out with the babysitting so that her husband can visit so not much time to do crafting or commenting but hopefully will be able to drop by before the Casology challenge closes!
When I saw the challenge I couldn't help but think of when my boys were small,the one thing that I loved to do to relax at the end of a busy day, was to take a book into the bath and have a looong soak -  have even been known to even take a glass of wine in there too ah sheer bliss!! 

Sunday 26 August 2012


Less is More  3-2-1

Before we go to my card (which is at the end of the post in case you would like to skip right to it), would like to share our 'do' with you 
Last week saw us celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary- scary how quickly 25years can pass!!- with a gathering at a local hotel.It wasn't a big affair just close friends and family ( some we hadn't seen for ages and one that you might know......)  I had an absolute ball!- even though I had a senior moment and left the most important stuff at home,we had booked a room and I never ever travel without my heated rollers,this time took the rollers just nothing to heat them with ,disaster AND  I left my new sucky in pants at home too even bigger disaster, but never mind a few dances a few hot flushes later (don't you just hate that certain age!) and nobody would have noticed anyway! but just thought that I'd like to share some of the photos with you ,bad hair day and all ....

My boys! (Russell and Fraser)

                                 Can't believe 25years have passed since we did this! Well o.k I can when I see the saggy bits and the the wrinkles (thank God I now need glasses or it would look even worse)...                                                                     
                                   ....Wonder if we'll make it to our golden - Dick would be a sprightly 80 and Me - well that would be telling ;-)......

This is our anniversary baby born on our 9th anniversary weighting 9lbs 9oz.he turned 16 on our anniversary. Russell loves this picture - yeah and that is sweat on his brow - he never took the jacket off he thought it made him look so grown up!! must admit he did look good in it :-) (proud momma moment)

And this is Suze Bain from  CantStopCrafting blog, I'm sure many of you will recognise that name! Suze was the one who introduced me to card making and the wonderful world of blogging.- and yes I'm standing funny ,it was the end of the night and my feet were killing me....unlike my younger friend who I'm sure could have danced all night!!!!
Sorry for the long post but if you read on you'll find my entry for this weeks Less is More challenge too!

3 - 2 - 1

Think I might be reaching here but here it goes ....

     3 words , 2circles and 1 car

  How hard can this challenge be ? had loads of ideas but all looked and felt flat when I finished them ,so hopefully I can follow Chrissie' lead and use an abbreviation on the word 'you've' for my 3 words

Last week was such a busy week never got around to commenting or even joining in the challenge so apologies and I promise I will pop over to visit to-day x 

Wednesday 15 August 2012

School card

Have tried to get a side view and curled the pages so you can see them better of the 'apple book'this morning.
When I saw that this weeks challenge At CAsology  my heart and my jaw dropped - ladies I had been looking forward to a WHOLE day crafting had cleared the decks (all done yesterday and tough if it wasn't) but by the time I had tried a few things last night,this morning and well into the afternoon and finally this evening ,I threw my hands up and decided that this would just have to do :-) -  but I suppose it wouldn't  be a challenge if it was easy ..... but how about a nice easy one next week cos I'll be back to school next week Pleeease!!!!

     Of course I didn't have an apple stamp so had to draw it,wanted the apple  to look like a book so layered it up but unfortunately the camera hasn't picked that up there is a little bit of white at the edges that are the pages -honest
Found the little poem and the book worm/ caterpiller on the web ,drew some lines to look like jotter pages  and stamped the alphabet background with a SU stamp.
                                 Thanks for looking x

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Casology -Birds

                (I went to post this weeks entry for 'birds' and I was  over the moon to discover that I had been given a Honourable Mention in last weeks challenge!! Thank you ladies and thank you Rosemary for those lovely comments they were really appreciated.)

            Challenges I am entering are  :-       
             CASology - BIRDS
         52 Card Pick Up wk 31

This weeks cue card from CASology was Birds and I was totally stumped (not a lover of bird cards) I first of all thought of a feather,cage etc - but then remembered about this freebie stamp from a magazine last year and this is what I came up with , a one layer card .I scored a panel for the robins coloured them in using promarkers and with a cocktail stick added some stickles to the crowns .I then stamped the sentiment masked it and then added the holly as it looked a bit too plain for a Christmas card.
Got to own up too made a mistake and tried to cover it with the gems and couldn't see it with the naked eye, but when I took the photo guess what the gem isn't covering as well as it looks in RL, typical!!!
Just like to say I'm really enjoying these challenges,you really are making me think -even when I should be sleeping!!Can't wait for the next one. x

Friday 27 July 2012

Pillow boxes

We are having  a little party for our silver wedding in a few weeks time
 (and it is also Russell's 16th birthday too,he was born on our 9th anniversary weighing in at 9lbs 9oz's!)
and I have been driving my crafty friend Susan nuts by picking her brains and enlisting her help in the making of the invitations and these little pillow boxes   filled with silver chocolate hearts....
....only thing is I keep changing my mind and I have done it again hee he - so sorry Susan (thought I'd post it, though I know  your on holiday , I also know that your husband will have some gadget with him so that you can keep up with the blogs!!) but as you can see the design has changed once more but I am happy to say that they are all done so you can rest easy and enjoy your holiday :-0 x x
While blog hopping noticed a challenge called Decorate to Celebrate and it looked like fun so thought that I'd enter my pillow box.
Thanks for looking x

CASology fruit

Supplies used
Stamp - su 's faith in nature
Old olive distress ink,pear pizzaz and lucky limeade su markers
Sentiment computer generated

Thought I'd join in with the CAsology challenge again this week -(that was until I seen the brilliant and fun cards that everyone else had put in ...) - this is the only fruit stamp I had so tried making a piece of fruit with scrap paper but since I came on holiday I think my inspiration has went off on it's own holiday,nothing worked so they were 'recycled'  - in the bin!

Tried to make it a bit more exciting by adding glossy accents,and need to give  a thank you card to close friends so hence the sentiment
Thanks for looking  x x

Saturday 21 July 2012

CAS-ual Fridays

 CFC62:  Create a Clean And Simple card using a black card base

When I saw the challenge at CAS-ual Fridays this week I thought great idea DT's such a change to use a black card base - that was until I decided to layer it up with mirror board and it sure is a mirror!! , photo after photo appeared with my bright pink t-shirt or a hand shining out,so sorry this is the best I could do!

Supplies used are:-
Indigo Blu 'Anenome Corner'
Sentiment SU
Promarkers - pastel blue,denim blue and bluebell

Saturday 9 June 2012

Use a flourish

I'm beginning to enjoy the one layer challenges at Less is More,love the simplicity of them. (Mind you I usually end up layering up all the ones that have mistakes on them as one layer cards are really unforgiving!! )
Amazing how may flourishes I actually have and all of them useless for this challenge, but inked this one with distress inks ,rusty hinge,old olive and barn door - sentiment SU.
Those that know me will be surprised but - I didn't even add a gem!! :-D
Now off to do a bit of commenting and seek inspiration for the CAS-ual Friday challenge which is polka dots..... 
Have a great weekend and thanks for visiting x

Sunday 27 May 2012

Clean & Simple:192


Over at the CAS-ual Friday challenge blog they are asking for a male card and it just so happens  that the boys asked me to make one for their dad next week.
Now this is a first for me as I NEVER use papers every time I use them I end up taking them off and the paper goes in the bin ! but actually I am really quite pleased with this one :-D and thankfully so are the boys...
 and this card also meets the criteria for the clean and simple stamping sketch so think I'll join in with them this week too! 
Thanks for looking x

Monday 23 April 2012

CASual Friday CFC 49

  I've been watching and been eager to have a go at the CAS-ual Friday challenges for a while and so this weeks one had me finally joining in.
Had a new flower stamp from Sir Stampalot, lightly coloured and added glossy accents to it and teamed it with a stamp from stampin up's french foliage set.Left off a  sentiment though feel sure I'll use it as a thank yo card .
And thanks to a friend, finally managed to take a decent picture ...( well how was I supposed to know that the flower symbol on the camera gave you wonderfully clear pictures like this!!!:-D ) x

Sunday 15 April 2012




    This can be in any form you wish, faux stitching, hand written or drawn elements on your card, zentangle. As long as you create something with 'ink' by hand ...
                                                                                                ...Not really sure if my entry for the Less is More challenge this week  could be called doodling as such! I can doodle with the best of them when I'm on the phone or when I'm meant to be listening etc but on a card it just went pear shaped so ended up taking a roll of sellotape and used it to make a circle of dots, popped on a spellbinder circle die,and masked the flower inside it.The first one I did I painstakingly made all the flowers have a pattern on their petals but it hurt your eyes to look at it - so this next effort kept it plain and simple!
(Thank you for the kind comments last week and welcome to those who became new followers) Now off to see everyone else's creations x

Sunday 8 April 2012


Another site that was recommended to me was Out of a Hat Creations and they asked for boxes of any description,so as it's a rainy day here decided to give it a go.
Made the box (lid took FOREVER!!)This isn't what I 'd set out to do but then decided to keep it simple and I confess not really good at the inky ,messy stuff though I would love to be ,they usually end up in the bin!

Saturday 7 April 2012

Make a tag

                                                                                                           A friend  recommended that I have a look over at Artful Times a new blog that has started up as they were doing a tag challenge and I have been itching to try out this steampunk image!
Patchily the card with old paper distress ink - stamped with image with memento ink then inked again using versamark so that the chalks would stick added the sentiment which should be my motto just now!and there you have it ,
Oops think I did a bit of careless clicking and your only seeing half an image on the thumbnail ! :-) x

Three Shades of Green.

      Three Shades of Green.

It's a glorious afternoon here in Aberdeen!The sun is streaming in and I got a great picture of my card first time as well yay as my son would say, for the Less is More Challenge.... except it turned the lime green card I used YELLOW!!!(actually would quite like it to be that colour in RL) except the flower looks a bit silly because it was done using the lime green aw well .But there is still 3 shades of green there if you count the printed sentiment.....
Have a happy Easter everyone,
Now off to look at all of your wonderful creations ! 

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Picture Inspiration

                                                                        Picture Inspiration!


     I've never done one of the  colour challenges before so didn't know if you had to use all the colours there or if you could  just select  a few!  So once again the  Less is More divas have came up with some thing new for me to try!
 I just selected a few(couldn't manage to get grey into it sorry)... had some new stamps and punches from stampin'up that I wanted to try so this is it what i made with them.Really like the hostess birthday stamps and the one that says 'Happy Birthday dear you !'  makes a great stalk - well I think so :-)
Off to do some commenting and thanks for looking x                                                                                                                  
P.s Don't know why but blogger has decided to add all this white and after half an hour of trying to change it have given up!!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

take three challenges

Take Three Challenges  
My 'take' on the challenge at Less is More this week is 
              Bling (surprise surprise)
  Three Squares 
 (in fact when I actually looked at the  previous challenges I had about nine to pick from on my card alone!)
I actually made this card on Sunday ,it has taken me all this time to photograph it , the butterfly wings kept making shadows so had to try at different times of the day .
That and the fact that for some reason this has been a very busy week .But never mind the school hols begin at 4.00 on the dot for me on Fri, hee he and then hopefully lots of time to play!!
Thank you for taking the time to look x

Monday 19 March 2012

survival kit

                                                                                                      Just had to share this,So chuffed with it !The teacher that I work with is getting married and I was tasked with making the bag that we filled with a fun assortment of things that are needed to survive in a marriage.... a button in case you need to button it, a duck for water to run off, etc you get the idea, brilliant idea .
 Hobbycraft are selling these bags in an  assorted colours pack at half price so snapped them up.Computer generated the sentiment(freehand font) made the two heart stampin'up bride and groom,more stampin'up heart punches for the 'confetti'  as is the lace 'garter' and added to the top some tulle material as a veil??? - the rolled rose is all my own work hee he x

Saturday 17 March 2012


                     Gave a cheer when I saw that this weeks challenge at the Less is More site was MASKING !! Perfect as have to make a birthday card for a friend and it would involve masking anyway ,also paperpiecing,glueing,stamping,dimensions, bling ...ah bliss!After last week when I was at loss for even one good idea seem to be teeming with them this week :-)
On to the card used Kanban stamps, the perfume bottle was stamped first then masked , then the two other bottles were added. Popped another image of the perfume bottle (this time highlighted with ice stickles- though they don't really show up on first photo) on top with dimensionals and did the same with the bows (that was fiddly).Then a bit of bling all done. But oh my taking the photo has once again  been a royal pain in the behooky Picasa didn't really help either so have just stuck it on, pity cause really pleased with this one especially as no.1son asked if I had printed it off! and I know that it's right up my friends street.

Sunday 11 March 2012



Didn't manage to make a card for the Less is More Challenge last week a combination of too much on , working and  no inspiration and must admit this week I'm struggling again though I did make two but as you can see not really inspiring ( love when a card comes together and you have that satisfied  feeling )this one just itches for me to cut it down and back it onto a piece of bright pink card but will resist!!!
The other one is french foliage and there's not much else I can say about it.
But might come back with another one later on on the week (was a hostess for a stampin'up party )so heaps of goodies coming this week -Yay, as my youngest would say
Now off to seek inspiration from the rest of you and sorry I didn't have time to leave comments last week x

Monday 27 February 2012

Don't scrap it!

Have had a really busy weekend so only now getting round to posting this weeks entry to the Less is More Challenge -Don't Scrap it - is the theme.Card was one that had inky finger marks  so trimmed it off  and the rest is scrap and think I've got even more now cos kept cutting it squint !!

 This was my first attempt had intended to use just paper(and useless at patterned paper not like Mandi  so think I need a tutorial on that please :-) ) and then I got carried away a bit until it was no use for the challenge!But did have fun hee he and will be a perfect retro card for a family friend (another male of course)

Quick edit no your eyes haven't gone all funny think I've "picasa'd "( you know what I mean!) the cards a bit tooo much !!

Sunday 19 February 2012

Punches and diecuts


When I saw that this weeks challenge at Less is More  was Punches and Diecuts couldn't help but be chuffed as had just happened to have made this one the night before!( Heart punch from stamping up)
Really simple I know but what is it they say LESS IS MORE.... hee he!
Down side is taking the photograph did dark background first- looked awful ,light background the card faded into it ! gave up went to bed and it must have  been the snow that fell last night because managed to finally get one that I was reasonably happy with.
      Thanks for looking and now off to have  look at all the other LIMettes creations x

Monday 13 February 2012


This is the first time that I have  tried the Flutterby Wednesday  Challenge but as I seem to be using butterflies a lot just now on my cards thought that I would give it a go!
Quick edit....
Wasn't happy with the card in the light of day so decided to go for a heart and flowers theme,
also added a bit more black to the flowers 
so that they stood out a bit more which they do in RL.

L= 2 or more Layers
O= have an Odd number of embellishments
V=have the color Violet on your creation
E= you can use any color Except red and  - of course a butterfly!

Hopefully I meet all of this! Thanks for looking x

Sunday 12 February 2012

Glorious Greens

   When I saw the colour challenge at Gingersnap Creations was green found myself struggling to come up with anything -least favourite colour except ,do love lime green!
But really wanted to take part so decided to do a tag using only the dies and folders of my cuttle bug so plenty of texture 3D effects with the butterflies and then as it evolved  I realised  that this would be great (with a bit of bling added of course) as a tag for a wedding gift and as we have a spring wedding coming up would tie in nicely.So this is my offering for the challenge Glorious Green.



                  Well Diva's you sure now how to get us thinking on a Saturday morning!! this weeks challenge of stripes at the Less is More site had me about pulling my hair out -  until I remembered this stamp.Stamped it ,coloured it with promarkers, then drew some balloons.Printed off the sentiment in the font papyrus, ( thanks Mandi) thankfully it just fitted onto the card this  time - didn't want any more thrown in the scrap box!
Now off to take a peek at everyone elses x