Friday 26 July 2013


When I saw this weeks CAS.ology  cue word was GOLD was a bit stumped so gathered my stock of gold (which wasn't a lot I must admit!) and saw the gold jingle bell and just while in my head I was singing jingle bells the postie delivered a new set of die cut letters ...sorted - or so I thought ,the original had a piece of old  gold paper behind a negative cut of the word but it was 'slighty' squint and the next one grew way too much layers etc for a CAS card , and after three attempts ran out of gold paper so it was back to the old drawing board .
I always admire  cards that have just the word as the focal point on them so this is finally my interpretation of it though not sure if I actually like it...think there is something lacking???
Thanks for looking and I really appreciate any comments that you leave x

Saturday 20 July 2013

Uniko challenge no.1

HEY there !

Thought that I would join in with UNIKO STUDIO first challenge ,have just lately discovered them and they are so good went back for more hee he!!! The challenge is to make a card that said Hello showcasing some of their products.
This is my take on the challenge ......

 I would firstly like to say a huge thank you to Bev and Ren-Yi  for helping me to understand what a blog hop is -Doh -think I over thought it but these ladies took the time to explain and hopefully this post will meet the challenge!
But back to the card......

This was the first stamp I bought from them  - Beautiful Blooms 1 ,and I love it though had a bit of a panic when the SU melon mambo ink stained it ,I usually use baby wipes to clean my stamps but these stamps clean up better with a bit of warm water and soap and then I was able  to go on and stamp in pale aqua the next time!

I showed this card to my hubby when I finished and he insisted that I add the 'there' as he just couldn't get a card that said simply 'hey!' :-)
Oh and before I forget my random fact is when I was wee I used to carry worms around in one my handbag s ...don't ask my why !
Thanks for popping in by ! x
Sorry about the picture its a bit overcast here at the moment !
P.S Thanks Gay, for pointing out  to me that this card also meets the criteria for the Less is More challenge which is hand made flowers!

Sunday 7 July 2013


It's the holidays yay!
...and finally I might have enough time to play and take part in some of my favourite challenges which this week are -
Addicted to CAS - codeword WATER
Addicted to stamps and more (new one for me) - Make your mark,using markers chalks etc

After  very busy and at times very stressful few months it's finally the school holidays and I am on holiday for the next 6 weeks! don't know about you but when I get really stressed I close my eyes and dream, my favourite being - of lying on a warm sandy beach and slowly toasting in the sun (of course in the dream I'm also at least 2 sizes smaller and 3inches taller!!) so hence my card....and isn't colouring in sooo therapeutic so restful even when it takes half a dozen goes to get it right !
p.s would like to say that in RL the umbrella is red and green not orange as it appears here, our son has our camera on his trip so have had to use my phone camera and I'm amazed to find that apart from the colour of the umbrella that it doesn't take too bad a picture ! 
Thanks for popping over x