Sunday 26 January 2014

Colour Blocks

What a truly driecht and miserable day here in the North east of Scotland I was out earlier and came back like a drowned rat and still haven't got the heat up yet....but never mind its the perfect day to take part in some challenges:-) I made a card for my friends son who will be 21 this Tuesday, and with the off cuts I made one for the challenge over at Cas-ual Friday.They are asking for colour blocks,and this is my take on it.Think I can also enter it into the Cas.ology challenge as their cue card is for CONTRAST and the colour panel is definitely a contrast to the rest of the white card -I hope anyway!....Think it's going to be destined for another friends son who has a 17th birthday next month feel this is definitely a male card this one! I find I enjoy making male cards as you can get away with such bold colours and this is my favourite colour combo of red and Island indigo and lucky limeade from SU.The sentiment is also from SU. Enjoy what's left of your weekend off to have a peek at some of your blogs x

Tuesday 21 January 2014


(I am attempting to use my Christmas present of a tablet to post this so please bear with me,computer literate I am not!) I think I might be pushing it here, but when I saw the challenge at Addicted to CAS ,I just happened to be making a card for my SIL who will be 60 this week,and the first thing I thought of was that my SIL was heading into a NEW decade and a NEW phase in her life as she officially retires... I made the card using pool party for the ;number 60 and the flourish which is from a retired Christmas Set of SU using Baja breeze ink. The flowers are punched and hand finished at the centres with a fine black pen and a gem.Finally the sentiment is also from SU. (The ribbon bow is there because I confess that I left an inky mark and needed to hide it oops).