Saturday 15 February 2014

Big and bold male card

Think I might make three challenges with this card wow .... thats a first for me! Casology are looking for BOLD,and that has had me stumped until I remembered this James Bond download (took me longer to cut it out than print it!!) the boy in the sentiment to me is big and bold and of course James Bond is the ultimate bold hero,hope I'm not stretching it here :). Then this week both the Crafty Cardmakers and more and Less is More are looking for a masculine theme and so 3 challenges with one card! Hope you all have a lovely weekend too and thanks for looking x

Sunday 2 February 2014

money wallet

I was asked to make a money wallet, for someone at the work's grandson and this is what I came up with.... the teddy can be pulled along by the ribbon (don't ask why I did that because its a bit like a chocolate teapot useless on a money wallet!! hee he ) Thanks for looking x p.s anyone else having problems with blogger when I add a pic all I get is gooblygook though it comes ok on the blog and it wont let me paragraph or set spaces ..weird! x