Sunday 25 May 2014

CAS(e) this sketch and LIM

Here is my third card that I made this weekend and it is for the challenge over at CAS(e) this sketch and when ever I saw it I thought of snowflakes.Original idea was to make silver embossed snowflakes but as you can see from this picture
 embossing is just not my thing I try it every now again and it never comes really sharp and clear as everyone else seems to ,so had to go back to the drawing board and went for... you guessed it Su Baja Breeze and Versa magic sea breeze inks.Then diecut two snowflakes ( and isn't that handy as the Less is More challenge is asking for diecuts) and covered them in 'snow glitter' - thats what the kids in the work call it ,and it suits it perfectly I think-  added some gems and there you have first Christmas card of the year done!
Oops forgot to say that the fan stamps are by Uniko Stamps.

Really a simple make, so pretty sure that this one will be the one that I will be doing in numbers .

Thanks for looking and I know I have been a very lax commenter (is that a word???) of late but as I appreciateall your comments will promise I will be better in the future.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Freshly made sketches

Well I have had a guilt free night of crafting and made 3 cards !! all because there has been football on the telly all evening ...bliss.

This is the first one a baby card for  in the box when you need one in a hurry. I followed the sketch at Freshly Made Sketches  and the paper is by pink petticoat -  and loving my sons new printer ( part of his 21st birthday gift) he needed it for uni work as it takes A3 paper for his drawings etc .....but it also takes card and prints out in true colours  wonderous machine ! :-) ... our one is on its last legs and the colour it printed this gingham paper was a dirty cream! Though must admit it is a bit paler in RL and the hearts do stand out a bit more.
Hope you are all having a great weekend ,
and thanks for looking!

Friday 23 May 2014

Time out # 6

Have been watching this new challege called Time Out Challenges for a few weeks ,but it wasn't til this week that inspiration struck when I saw the the checked effect of the beds/stools?? they just popped out at me from the picture and though I could match the blue with Baja Breeze cardstock  ,again ...must look for a colour challenge to get me out of the baja breeze rut I am in! from Su had no coffee coloured card so went for a more milky coffee and sahara sand :-) Tried a coloured flower but preferred the white ,and another thank you card done and dusted.Working in a school nursery I like to give the parent helpers a hand made card to show how much their help is appreciated throughout the year.

Also going to enter it into Lizy's Frugal Friday challenge which is to use up your scraps ...forgot you had to add a photo of your scraps you were using ,so snapped a quick photo as I was making this card and oops cut out all the scraps from the photo but ....
Thanks for looking !

Thursday 22 May 2014



This week both the Less is More and CAS.ology ( click on the cue card above to take you to their site) challenges have chosen FLOWER for their theme and feeling in the mood for some soothing craft therapy used pool party ink and gently swished it over my card base which is a creamy shimmery one,then inked up this 'fabulous' (in more ways than one!!) sentiment from Uniko Studios in the Pool party stamped it then masked the smaller flower around the sentiment - but still thought there was something lacking? wasn't til I was walking to work and walked by a huge pile of dandilion clocks that I remembered my dandilion clock stamp ,loved how it looked when I stamped it . 
Quite pleased how this one looks in RL but it was very hard to photograph this as the colours are quite subtle and I tried highlighting it through Picasa but it washed out the colour more so sorry ladies best i could do!! 
Thanks for taking the time to look and will pop over and have a look at your creations too.