Sunday 29 June 2014

Muse # 73

I had one of those nights that I just couldn't sleep so decided to get up and make a card, and have struggled all week with the challenge over at Muse. Quite a few cards have been put in the recycle bin! But came up with this idea using a Tonic butterfly punch and putting some melon mambo behind  which has been stamped with a hero arts butterfly,did it in black so it would show through the butterfly better.
Then added the strip of paper down the side and sentiment before finally added liquid pearls (love these! great fun to do)
Once it was finished I went back to bed and slept straight through ..ah bliss!This menopause is a right pain :-)
Looks nothing like the muse card does it ,but the muse card gave me the inspiration to do 3 white  butterflies the colour pink and the craft cardstock(thoughI only had SU's sahara sand)  

Saturday 28 June 2014

Festive Friday

While having a peek through Ardyth's (Maskerade) blog for inspiration came across this challenge called Festive Friday, and thought what a good idea I am always last minute with my Christmas cards! but then as usual went to work and forgot about it but for some reason the red stripey parcels in the picture just kept popping into my head!! until today I  just had to pop upstairs and do this simple card  - eh four goes and nearly and a hour and a half later I finished, and can finally post it on their challenge site ! :-)
Thanks for taking the time to look

Monday 23 June 2014

Card concept - Nautical

The  card concept challenge threw my this week as I didn't think I had anything nautical at all but come across this when I went to make a baby card I stretching it here?? It is a boat (of sorts ) and it is on a sea!
The stripey paper is from the pink petticoat and the Ark is from SU coloured using promarkers .I think this style is of the  clean and simple variety don't you as there is lots of white space and minimal embellishments.
Really simple card to make (thankfully as thought I was going to miss the deadline!) but chose to do it a double length size so you can get the full effect of the stripey paper and thats it really ,not much else you can say!
Thanks for looking 