Monday 22 September 2014

Happy Birthday Bev!!

I might not know Bev as well as some the others that have posted a card for Bev's birthday but what Ido know is that whenever I post a card for a challenge that Bev has joined in with to ,she always has a kind commen for me.So bev this is just to say thanks and hope you had a lovely day!

Festive friday

I'm sorry that i have beeen MIA for a while  but have had infections and antibioticsone after another lately that have had me bedded and fair wabbit (washed out) as they say here in my part of Scotland, and then to top it all my husband decided to make a start on decorating Fraser's room so that Russell could move into the bigger room.....well that has led to a whole slew of things because then I decided that I could have Russell's room for my card making but still needed a room for Fraser for when he stays over so now the computer is moving in with me so that we still have a spare bedroom, keeping up so far :) ? so now the whole of upstairs is in turmoil and  there is boxes every where!!!
But managed to make a path so that I could join in over at the Festive Friday challenge and that picture just is so full of girly bling and sparkle that  I decided to make a sparkly card using simply gems stones and glitter paper (think this one will suit one of my god daughters she loves a bit of bling!)  and then found a SU sentiment that went perfectly and finally mounted it on SU pretty in pink card stock
Thanks for looking 