Sunday 31 May 2015


We were delighted when my oldest stayed over on Friday night as he was taking part in a 5k charity walk at the beach through his work and we are just a  20mins walk away from the beach. It was soooo nice to have all the family together for a little while.
( they couldn't have picked a worse day to do the walk  ,it was just pouring with rain- he came back soaked to the skin and frozen!)

But while he was away I managed to get this card made for the challenge over at MCV. This week the guest designer was the very talented Tracey Mc Neely,Don't you just love her card?? As usual didn't have the snowdrift die or a christmas tree one -some how no matter what I buy for my stash I never quite seem to have the right die or stamp for my project! :) but I think I managed to improvise not too bad....Used tumbled glass DI for the background and used a circle mask for the winter sun.  Cut the triangles out of  SU DP scrap paper  and the snow drift was ripped paper,die cut some tiny stars as it  is a early frosty morning...,yeah I know I'm reaching :) but it needed something and I didnt have any thing to make snow :( and then  I stamped a flonzcraft sentiment.But still felt there was something not quite right ,then I realised that my trees were ''floating' oh no I had forgot to add the trunks and I had stuck everything down !!! hopefully no-one will notice that they are a late addition :)

Thanks for taking the time to look.

Friday 29 May 2015

Muse 119

This weeks Muse is Joan Bardee and she did a beautifully simple design that packs a punch with the gold embossing and watercolouring.

Why is it the simpler something looks the harder it is to do???

I did my usual and broke it down to the elements that jumped out at me and that was the colours,the gold embossing and the vellum...and of course the rectangle in the middle!!

(Honestly I am so stuck in a rut at the moment -  everything I create is mounted on a rectangle in the middle of the card,must make an effort to try some new layouts!)

 Sorry about the photo but this was the only one that caught the gold embossing properly.I stamped it and embossed it before adding the strip of pale pink card,with the vellum butterfly that I coloured with  a SU marker pen.
I found that I had only one stamp of a cake  and that is a SU one with the sentiment coming from that set too and says 
'so many candles, so little cake!' 

Sadly that will be me in a couple of months time, with not enough puff to blow out all of my candles!

Thanks for taking the time to look and hope you have a great weekend!

Thursday 28 May 2015

baby boy/girl

Recently I have been fortunate enough to be asked to make some cards for people ,but if you're anything like me you prefer to get and idea of the style that they like,so I started sending them to my blog and that is when I realise that I am guilty of only really posting cards that I am entering into challenges...There is heaps that I have made, sent  and (sometimes ) sold that never make it onto my blog!!

So decided to make the time to post  more of these and turn my little blog into more of a gallery for people to browse by labelling them all and making them easier to find.

My baby boy card uses a Lawn fawn stitched die ,Clearly besotted sailing boat die, cut out on pink petticoat digi gingham paper (turquoise) paler in the photo then in RL, paper smooches sentiment in SU tempting turquoise ink.

My next card is my first ever shaker card ..except it doesn't really shake a lot need to get smaller sequins I think!! hee he.But reasonable happy ....after all I can only improve with practice !!!
All sentiments and rocking horse by Clearly besotted  and coloured using  promarkers.
Thanks for taking the time to look

Tuesday 26 May 2015



It has been a long time since I joined in with  the Uniko Studio challenge ,but as I was puttering about yesterday I coloured in a scrap piece of paper sitting on my desk using inks and a blender pen,ok a bit rough around the edges but ,I kinda like it -  though it is something totally new for me colour wise! so decided to diecut it out and pop it onto a card.Realised then that the Uniko Studio  challenge was for flowers so going to pop it in to their challenge.

Thanks for taking the time to look

Monday 25 May 2015



This week at MCV Betty did a gorgeous Christmas card ,just loved it! problem was once again I had no pine cone or anything that remotely looked like it could be used instead .So decided to send away for something, so to be on the safe side ordered two different things (as you do) .First one  I got an email to say it was out of stock and the second well we are still waiting for it,:( so decided to do the above card .Honest it looked great in my head ...pity it didn't look that great when it was finished !
(and apologies about the photo it is late at night and had to use the daylight lamp ).

I took inspiration from Betty's colours (well some of them!) and the oval and the way that the image goes across it.I fussy cut the holly leaves and added some red stickles, butI wasn't that brave to add the sentiment straight onto the card so made a little banner instead.

 Thanks for taking the time to look

Thursday 21 May 2015

Christmas puddings

No your not seeing things and no I haven't got mixed up with Muse :Christmas Visions  -
I don't know why, maybe it is the influence of doing MCV the last couple of weeks but when I saw Marions really cute doggy card over at Muse I thought of Christmas puddings!

I was inspired by the neutral colours ,the DP - ok mine is just a strip now,but it did start off a bit bigger but I just kept on trimming:) , the theme of three related images and of course by my favourite layout of a central matted rectangle .

I used Clearly Besotted (can you tell that I am slightly besotted with this company's stamps at the moment!), little pudding stamps and SU inks and a Flonzcraft Christmas sentiment.The DP is from Pink Petticoat

Oh and I know you can't really see it but I glittered the top of the puddings to have a little sparkle at Christmas time!!!.

Thanks for taking the time to look

Tuesday 19 May 2015

The Challenge#35

Whenever I saw the inspirational photo over at The Challenge,I just had to take part once again! 

To mimic the yellow round flowers in the jar, I cut two circle masks and  through the first I used mustard seed DI and then used white through the smaller circle on top .Hard to see in the photograph ,much easier to see in RL I right that this is called the bokeh technique ????
Then added the strip of paper pierced vellum (going mad with paper piercing just now!) - which I stamped -badly :) I might add with a clearly besotted sentiment.Then popped on the Clearly besotted flower image ( I am sooo in love with this set !!) which I had coloured using SU lucky limeade ink and a blender pen. To finish I added some bisque liquid pearls to the center of the flowers.

Thank you so much for taking the time to look!

Saturday 16 May 2015


Hi everyone welcome from a sunny,rainy and hailstone Saturday here in Aberdeen (yup thats Scottish weather for you!)

My card today is for the 2nd Muse Christmas Vision (hence known forever as MCV),this joyful card is from Chriss,whenever I saw it new that I wanted to make the ' JOY' the centrepiece of my card.
I also wanted to incorporate the strip of vellum .
 I loosely held to Chriss's layout substituting adding a small snowflake at the outer edge to mimic the magnificent poinsettia of Chriss's and then adding a  scrap of white card which I had  paper pierced , so it stood out a bit more . I didnt have any of that gorgeous teal cardstock  that Chriss used so I chose a pale imitation SU pool party.The joy is a lawn fawn die and the little snowflakes are leftover die cuts from last year,with some liquid pearls in the centres.

Another simple card from me today but think I could mass produce these no bother if I had too ...which I wont because of this challenge I should be well ahead of the game come Christmas!! 
Well off to get the coffee on, my hubby is working all day today so a chance to do some catching up with a friend 
Have a great weekend wherever you are ,and thanks for taking the time to look

Friday 15 May 2015

Colour me....! #71

Its been a wee while since I joined in with the Colour Me...! challenge but when I saw the colours for this week just knew I had to play along !

 My card uses Clearly besotted stamps called A little something and are really great,just waiting for the matching dies to arrive !
 I stamped the flowers in melon mambo the stalks of course in pear pizzaz  and the vase is cut out of melon mambo DP. Matted on melon mambo card,  and to finish I used perfect pearls in the centre of the flowers and  then added a SU sentiment .
A really simple card but I think the colours just make it pop !

 Thanks for taking the time to look

Wednesday 13 May 2015

The Challenge#34

I was reading one of the design team for the Muse Challenge, Michele - I card everyone blog - when I came across a new challenge for me there .its called The Challenge and thought I would give it a go love the colours and they just cried out to be turned into a flower I thought.

I love the gerbera from SU and thought that I would try a spot of watercolouring (another first for me not really good at these kind of techniques!)But challenges are meant to challenge are they not??
 So stamped the image first in hero art orange ombre inks in the darker end of the spectrum and then used mustard seed distress ink for the yellow centre.Used a marker pen for the stalk and leaves,mmm think I should have left them there but no had to try watercolouring them too... looked ok until they dried! :) aw well you live and learn( also don't glue them on before the are properly dry hee he) and just in case the orange was too subtle to be seen stamped the sentiment in Su pumpkin pie and heat embossed it with clear powder on vellum
.Popped up the flower on a stitched rectangle then popped that up on dimensionals too and that was it a very simple card ..just like me!

Thanks for taking the time to look!! 


Tuesday 12 May 2015

Muse #117

(Before I start I would like to say this was a nightmare to photograph even with picasa -don't ask me why its a beautiful day here in Aberdeen but at least you can get the drift of what its meant to be I hope, I'll maybe try again tomorrow morning)
My card today is for the current Muse challenge where the muse this week is Michele Ferguson.
Isn't is a beaut ?...
there is no way I could top this or even Case it ,I know my limitations!

So decided to go with the grey card (well it is on my computer) and the three squares across the middle and after reading Michele's blog to make a male card,now I do like making male cards they are so plain and simple .:-)

I started by keeping the card in the same orientation as Michele's and then made a white mat and then stamped my image ,it was then die cut  in 3 different areas before mounting it on another 3 diecut squares to make it have more depth, (thought that I would go out the way with my diecuts rather than in ..didn't think I could be accurate enough for that!!)then stamped my SU sentiment under them and that was it .Really simple but I like it and so to did my son obviously.... he has nabbed it for his dads birthday next month!

Thanks for taking the time to look 

Sunday 10 May 2015

Muse: Christmas Visions #1

Hi everyone hope you are having a great weekend I have went to see Wicked! at the theatre with a friend it was brilliant!, then met our husbands and went out for tea and then back to ours for a catch up which went on til the wee small hours but it was good fun.:-)
But onto the card....

When I saw Kimberly's vibrant and eye -catching card for the very first challenge over at  Muse; Christmas Visions , I really, really wanted to take part ,amd had an idea but no large  poinsettia dies/ stamps.grrr

 So had a wee trawl through my stash and found a really small poinsettia stamp from goodness knows where!
So decided to use it, and use the untraditional and inspirational blue and gold colours.

I used a SU ornament punch and stamped it with versamark then heat embossed it with gold as I did with the sentiment from the Su endless wishes stamp set.Then stamped another ornament with the poinsettia stamp,twice but kinda liked the look of them just in the versamark so left them as they were.They were then mounted the top one with dimensional foam to make it pop out a bit more.Then just because its a Christmas card added three little gems to sparkle!
These may have been colours that I would never have tried except for this challenge but I must confess I really like the colours together and how the card turned out so thanks Kimberley from getting me out of my comfort zone!
Thanks for taking the time to look

Friday 8 May 2015


Whenever I saw Vicki's card over at the Muse challenge 
 fell in love with the vibrant colours and the pop of black,to me it just made the most perfect male card!

But oh what a challenge it has been!I don't know about you but when I see an inspiration photo I break it down to what pops out at me and this case it was the black across the centre, the colours and finally the triangles.But here's the rub didn't have anything with triangles !.... you have no idea Vicki how many cards ended up in the recycling bin.:-)
Then saw that Clearly Besotted were having a new release and whenever I saw the My hero stamp and die set I had to have them ( our family is soooo male heavy!).They came today along with my Lawn Fawn stitched rectangle dies ...thanks Tara ,and today at work the children were playing with shapes making a square from two triangles and that's where the idea for my triangles came from can find inspiration from anywhere ;)
.Card stock is SU lucky limeade and pumpkin pie, and yellow is from my stash.

Thanks for taking the time to look!!