Monday 25 September 2017

Card Concept 78

Unheard of for me but I have another card that I'm posting today!...
Can you guess its a horrible day outside ??

This time I'm taking part in the Card Concept Challenge.Where they had this beautiful inspiration photo which just screamed baby card to me!

I took inspiration from the colours of the drawers and the jumper .

I used Lawn Fawn little bundle stamps coloured with pro markers and hand cut it out 
To make it a bit more girlie I added a wink of Stella to the clothes to make them sparkle in the light ..maybe you can see it better in the close up?

Not sure if this would be classed as a CAS card or a clean and graphic  or maybe we can say it's both????


Thank you for taking the time to look

Muse:Christmas Vision

Yeah I know I can hear you you say this is nothing like the Muse card but there is no way on this earth that I can have done anything as stunning as Stephanie's card!!
So instead I went the route of taking the ...

Colours (ok mine are paler but there is blue and green red and silver on my card!)

One focal image in the centre

Silver Embossing

Oh and the same words on the sentiment which again is below my focal image 
I originally added stars to the background but it just didnt look so I settled for star like flowers ..ok Im reaching with that one :)

Thanks for taking the time to look

Thursday 21 September 2017

Seven hills craft challenge

Over at the Seven hill Craft challenge they have asked for you to use the "spotlight " technique and to use only their products ..which is a huge list btw and the reason I know this?  its my go to shop for all those American brands that are hard to source over here, and can be found most mornings having my coffee and a wee browse of it at the same time lol.

But back to the challenge,
Never having used this technique before did a bit of research and it says to highlight through colour or layers part of your image.
So intrigued decide to give it a go!
Many moons later and tearing of hair :( this is what I came up with....

I'm not sure if it's right,but after I tried multiple images with one part highlighted but found I was never happy - they all looked wrong somehow !

Decided to stamp these Paper Smooches snowmen which I got ages ago and are now out of stock I see, used an oval die to cut out a section (didn't realise it was scalloped until i had cut it out ..but actually think it worked better.)
I then coloured in the cut out section before popping it back in the main panel .But thinking now that I should have maybe double layered it so it popped out more or left a bit more uncoloured then just the scarves??? 
But actually I quite like it, and the idea of a challenge is to challenge yourself is it not!

Thank you for taking the time to look

Saturday 16 September 2017

Muse:Christmas Visions

While I've been away on holiday I found myself checking out Muse:Christmas Visions and this was an idea I came up with while I was basking in the sun in Portugal - back to freezing winds and rain now though :( 

I thought it had combined most of the elements that Kimberley had incorporated into her card ..

White and gold colours scheme
One of the sentiment words 
sentiment across the top
gold embossing

but added my own twists to it so feeling reasonably happy with it.... until i tried to photograph the ruddy thing OMG I practically tore my hair out !I had tried to do it outside -  no too rainy and then tried in every room in the house eventually decided to use the light box I'm still not happy with it ,but ladies I have lost the will to take another photograph of it so here it stands !!!!! 


Thank you for taking the time to look