Saturday 29 October 2011


                                                                              This week at the Less is More site the challenge is stars,which tied in nicely with something I have been mulling over this off I go this morning and 20 mins later all made ....3 hours later finally posting it ! The ice blue paper (which just looks white in the photo) has a sheen, the mirri card has a sheen and the embossed tree reflected the light as well, Oh and lets not forget the stars they twinkled too !! so this is the best I could do and yes the corner had to be trimmed as with all the faffing about I bent it.But think these being so simple to make might be my cards for this year !
You can't really see the organza ribbon at the side or the glittery merry Christmas in the photo as you can in RL  but sorry had had enough,Hee he now off to get ready going out for a meal with friends ..... so will have a proper look 2morro (oops too much texting) at all your fabulous creations and will be working all week next week so apologies if I am slow with my commenting and a big thank you to all that left kind comments last week x x


  1. This is lovely Jenni...shame the photo doesn't do it justice...I bet it's a real sparkler! :)
    Lizy x

  2. All that twinkle is very awkward to photograph. I'm sure it's fab IRL.
    Pretty card.
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  3. I suspect this looks wonderful in real-life - but the shimmer does come over - it's very pretty!

  4. a lovely card, jenni... the shimmer is so pretty!

  5. This looks so pretty Jenni. Carol x

  6. Hola Jenni, very shiny card, these cards are very difficult to photograf, but i think it's a beautiful card, your tree is wonderful, well done.
    A hug from Palma

  7. This looks gorgeously shimmery Jenni. I can imagine what a nightmare it was to photograph! Vx

  8. Gorgeous card, I love all the sparkle, hugs x x

  9. Lovely sparkly card, great embossed tree, the stars set it off nicely.
    You can view my card here

  10. Hi Jenni this looks lovely but oh so hard to photograph, I can see that it will look even better IRL

  11. I am sure it sparkles beautifully IRL,lovely card
    Beryl x

  12. Looks fab and I bet it looks even better IRL.
    Lynne xxx

  13. It looks pretty Jenni shame about the glare. I always turn my flash off when glitter or mirri is involved and use Picasa to adjust the photo:)
    Val x

  14. Fabulous card Jenni, the embossed tree is very Christmassy in white and I love the sparkling organza ribbon too :)
    Jenny x

  15. I bet it looks fab in real life. Love all the shimmer. I'm struggling with photography just now too. x

  16. Fab card, well done :O) Viv xx

  17. It's a gorgeous image, lovely sparkly background. Fab card.

    You can view my card here

  18. This is a beautiful shimmery christmas tree, I bet it really shines in real life!

  19. That's a fab tree stamp and those gems are fair blinging! xx

  20. Gorgeous card, well worth all the effort! Enjoy your meal, Gay xxx

  21. this is lovely and the shimmer does come through quite nicely!


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