Friday 25 November 2011

Pale yellow/grey and bare branches

 This week on the Craft barn Calendar Challenge it's week 11 can you believe that  tomorrow will be the last week of the challenge and I have really enjoyed it. Hope you do it again next year!they asked for pale yellow/grey and bare branches  and that meant for me  a look round  all the crafty shops  - such a hardship :-) but did manage to find a bare branches stamp and that's why this week it's been a bit of a rush and know the photo's not really great, but under advice will be trying out picasa next time.
But must say love doing little scenes like this find them very relaxing after a hard days work
Have a great weekend everyone x


  1. Jenni, this is stunning! I wish I could watercolour like you! Beautiful calendar page, absolutely gorgeous! Well done indeedy! TFS!

  2. This is really fab, what a great scene and super tree stamps. xx

  3. A beautiful atmospheric scene.

  4. The scene is gorgeous. Love the distance that you have managed to convey. Hugs Mrs A.

  5. You get a wonderdul, winterish scenery!

  6. Beautiful watercolour scene. I love the softness. x

  7. Gorgeous watercolour page, lovely November page for your calendar, Gay xxx


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