Sunday 24 March 2013



      Less is More -Use Beads

Chrissie and Jen have really pushed me with this challenge,
I have a packet of pearl beads that I have had forever ,as I bought them by mistake so was really pleased when I seen the challenge.That was until I opened the packet,  - that was my first mistake there must have been about 200 of the darn things and all went spilling over the desk -picked them up and then made my 2nd mistake trying to thread them - 
Do you know how long it took me to thread those blasted beads  (all 11 of them) and then to pick up all the ones that had pinged out of my fingers and landed on the floor,rolled across the desk (and got stuck in the keyboard at one point ..don't ask and don't tell my hubby pretty  sure the nail file I used to get it out wasn't the best tool to use ...oops!) and  all for a card  hee he are we all mad ?? -
Well it passed a Saturday night /Sunday and I got to use my new goodies to boot so all came good in the end.
Hope you are all having a good weekend wherever you are ,off  now to get the hoover for the last few that have resisted all efforts to be returned to whence they came from!


I'm really late posting this for the CASology challenge (probably cause heaps of songs might have whirled about my head but the ideas for matching cards didn't !!) but the one word that did pop into my head when I first saw the cue word was songbird so that's what I went with (sometimes you shouldn't over think things should you????) and then when looking for inspiration in my song list came across Michael Jackson's  Black or White so that gave me the colour!
Determined to use up my scrap paper that is now getting to epic proportions ...though this one didn't use much of it must admit....for all future projects....well o.k I'll TRY!
I used :-
SU music roller wheel ,and the bird stamp is from a set that sorry has no name on it.
Hope you have all had a great weekend x

Thursday 14 March 2013

Masculine card featuring a gadget or tecnology

 Its been a while since I joined in the Crafty Cardmakers challenges but when I saw that it was a masculine card and I had just done this one for a nephew so decided to enter it 
I stamped the image in vintage sepia and then masked it and sprayed the blue (which is blue foodcolouring :-) and then mounted it .
Thanks for looking x

Sunday 10 March 2013

Stripes and spots

A One Layer -
 Spots an Stripes 

 Not sure if this card will work for the challenge over at Less is More as found it easy to get the stripes harder for the spots! the stripes I masked and used SU solid stripes block and used versa magic chalk ink in sea breeze ,wanted to use a colour that I haven't used for ages ,but kinda like it  because it look I think really fresh against the white .Then diecut the flower and added the spotty dotty things  in the centre with black pen and then added some ice stickles to give it a little bit of sparkle(the snow that fell last night must have influenced me!) and added the sentiment from the faith in Nature set by SU.
Now off to do some commenting  while I wait for no.2 son to come home from a camping trip (I kid you not in freezing and snowy conditions)with the school as preparation for their upcoming trip to Cambodia summer - don't think they will need their thermals for that  though!

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Babies Galore

(they are much clearer  when you click on them promise)

This continues to be a really busy next few weeks with me practically working full time (roll on the Easter holidays!) so today would be my only chance to catch up with the Less is More challenge which is a colour challenge head over there to see the yummy colours they have come up with and because the next few months are full of arriving babies that's where my head is at ,so chose to do a baby girl card.
I die cut gingham paper from Pink Petticoat and a smaller white one and layered it up .Stamped the baby shoes (just love this stamp for baby girls) in sepia , and so that the colours would be more vibrant for the photograph coloured them in last.  ...I used  ivory promarker for the inside of the shoe and Stampin up Pink pirouette for ribbon and stars.Computer generated sentiment and a little pink gem stuck in the middle of the daisy finished it off and viola another card done and dusted!
Please scroll done to see the inspiration for the baby boy card 

The baby boy card I made for  someone I work with you became a grandparent for the very first time and think I have managed to incorporate all the colours in the challenge over at the Friday Mashup blog have watched this challenge but never actually took part til this week which has a picture inspiration and for a baby card and it was a very good source of inspiration! 
The gingham paper was again from Pink Petticoat and the stamp is from Stampin up the colours I used were :-
Pool party(birds )
real red ( butterflies )
yellow (lions)
 pastel beige(arc)

Finally you will be pleased to know that I'm nearly finished but just wanted to say hello to Morag who has joined me as a follower and who I very much enjoyed meeting at a crafty evening recently and who showed me some of her work and I was green with envy !! hee he
Enjoy the rest of your week x

Saturday 2 March 2013



What a week!! before I start I must apologise for not getting round to very much commenting this last week as my two boys are both going away this week (one with  Uni and the other one with the school) and to top it all work has been manic so have been organising them and working overtime at work so little time to craft but when I saw this weeks CASology's cue card had to take part so that's why I'm doing this when everyone else is in bed - peace and quiet ah bliss!
Once again I seem to have made a male card( probably because my family is festooned with the male species with a very small sprinkling of girls usually the ones that they marry hee hee)  I haven't used this James Bond download for a very long time, it came from a magazine website and included the sentiment too.The stripy paper is from pink petticoat and my circles are diecuts .Thank you for looking and hope that wherever you are you are having a great weekend ! x