Saturday 2 March 2013



What a week!! before I start I must apologise for not getting round to very much commenting this last week as my two boys are both going away this week (one with  Uni and the other one with the school) and to top it all work has been manic so have been organising them and working overtime at work so little time to craft but when I saw this weeks CASology's cue card had to take part so that's why I'm doing this when everyone else is in bed - peace and quiet ah bliss!
Once again I seem to have made a male card( probably because my family is festooned with the male species with a very small sprinkling of girls usually the ones that they marry hee hee)  I haven't used this James Bond download for a very long time, it came from a magazine website and included the sentiment too.The stripy paper is from pink petticoat and my circles are diecuts .Thank you for looking and hope that wherever you are you are having a great weekend ! x


  1. Hi Jenni, This is a fabulous card, love the sentiment.
    Avril xx

  2. I remember your last fabulous Bond card Jenni and this one is gorgeous too! Vicky x

  3. I'm singing the Bond theme right now! This is a wonderful card! Thanks so much for playing along with us at CASology this week!

  4. ha!! your card is a brilliant take on the cue word, jenni!! so glad to see you playing along with CASology this week!

  5. Super Jenni. I love those circle so iconic with Bond. x

  6. So glad you found time to join us this week at CASology. Your certainly sound busy! Love this card!

  7. Jenni, a very clever card and a great use of circles! Hope your busy weekend is quieting down now. Thanks for joining us at CASology!


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