Sunday 24 February 2013


I have been thinking about this weeks challenge at CASology all week ,had heaps of ideas but due to work and other things never managed to get them done .So Friday night up I went to the cratfy room and ....settled down to do the card and nothing ,tidied a bit then  settled down again nothing this went on for a while gave up and consoled myself with a large glass of wine and a bag of crisps (and I wonder why I can't lose weight??)
Then this morning decided to to use this stamp with the tiny candle in it did try using flame colours but it didn't catch the eye as much as this one ,so would have binned it  - this one I can use for a masculine card.( and it will also tie in nicely with the Addicted to CAS challenge too hee he ) so though might not be quite what the challenge is looking for there is a flame there!
And welcome to my new follower Kristie. Thanks for joining me :-)
Hope you are all having a great weekend. x


  1. Hi Jenny so glad you stuck with it ! I do believe the wine and the crisps where a big help.....well they always help me of course substitute gin for wine lol ! Fabulous dynamic card lovin the bold colour panels perfect for a guy. Thanks for joining us at ATCAS and good luck !


  2. You're hilarious! I see that tiny flame in there and this is a perfect masculine card. Thanks so much for playing along with CASology this week!

  3. glad you stuck with it, jenni! your card is perfect for a guy and for the CASology challenge!! so glad you played along this week!!

  4. Love the name of your blog! I see the tiny flame as well on this perfect masculine birthday card! Glad you joined in on the fun at CASology this week!

  5. I love the design of this card. Very striking! Thanks so much for playing along at ATCAS! xx

  6. This is a perfect masculine card!

  7. Fabulous card and yes its perfect for a mans card.

  8. Jenni, way to not give up! I admire that! I'm glad you did play along at CASology...I can see that little flame and it is so cute!

  9. HI Jenni, This is wonderful, I love the design and the colours are really masculine! Thanks for your kind wishes, :0) Hugs Gay x

  10. You've chosen great colours for your banners Jenni - they look fabulous against the dark card stock! Vicky x

  11. I always like a bit a CAS. Great colours for a masculine card too.
    In recognition of your crafty endeavours, I would love it if you will accept the Liebster award from me ! Just click on my link for details! Please say yes!
    Liebster Award

  12. Great masculine card - I have so much trouble with that - I really like your clean CAS style - thanks for visiting my blog :)

  13. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who struggles sometimes and then uses wine to console myself! ;) he he!

    I love that little candle 'i' - I think that was a really clever take on the flame challenge :) this is also a beautiful masculine card, I'm loving it :)

  14. I love your banners Jenni and the colours are super for a masculine theme. x

  15. Love the banners...very well done for a guy card...need to remember this!


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