Wednesday 24 April 2013


As you can see the cue word for CASology is GIGGLE and when I first saw this digi image on someone's blog, sorry but have forgotten her blog name when I first started blogging , I did give a little giggle o.k and  a little smirk too cos it sums up my hubby perfectly! (he says that it is me that snore's but well come on ME snore ...never!!!) and  when I asked about where she got it from she kindly sent it to me isn't the blogging community just great and so nice....
I coloured it in with promarkers and popped up the snore bubble with 3D foam ,though that is clearer in real life,and the sentiment is a SU one from Best Dad Ever set

Sunday 21 April 2013

CCM89 Gift bag & tag

       This weeks challenge at the crafty cardmakers is:-

  Challenge 89 Tag/Card + Matching Gift Wrap, Bag or Box


This is what I came up with .My husband has always enjoyed the James Bond films (can't see the attraction myself ...weeell maybe I can Hee he) so I decorated a bag using that theme.
The tag is made with a James Bond download that I got from a crafty mag that has seen loads of service!! Now I have just got to fill it......                     


The sun is shining and I have a few hours to spare ,thanks to the wonders of internet grocery shopping yay! and.....
This week the Less is More challenge is to CASE  IT (see below for the cards we had to case) it could be either one or both cards we could even combine them ! so that's what I tried to do and to try and challenge myself more I decided to case Jen's  card first making mine a colour ,rather than a white one as usual,never comfortable with doing coloured cards ! then did the paper piercing and cut out the sentiment. 
Then cased the new technique by Chrissie (check out the internet wow there is some stunning examples there too) but unfortunately the letter dies I have don't lend themselves to this technique I took the easy way out and die cut some flowers and to make them stand out better for the photo I did the second stamped card slightly lighter,before popping them up n dimensionals
Really not sure about it feel it's a bit  *blah*  but like the technique and sure I will use it again but think a bit of practice is needed to get the right stamp and colour.
Everything used was from my stash or snippets (REALLY need to get the mound down its taking over now! )
Just off to take out the washing - this full time working is really eating into my crafty time , trying to be super organised ....that usually  lasts til about mid week then it all falls apart ! It was meant to be until the end of May but now looks until beginning of July .Aw well I'll just keep thinking about the crafty goodies that will be bought with the extra money hee he - then I'll be back to catch up with my commenting .
Have a great weekend everyone x


Friday 12 April 2013


This is a really quick card need to go out soon so had to really rush to make it but had to get it done before I go!.  I had stamped and coloured the car with promarkers - I  normally just stamp the outline -  a couple of days ago but it ended up in the reject box ,until I saw the challenge at The Friday Mashup ,had been struggling to come up with a card for my nephews birthday and hopefully this will fit the bill perfectly and I will (very carefully) write his name in the number plate nearer the time, so thank you ladies the perfect challenge for me this week.In fact have another couple  ideas  for some more .... hee he
The striped paper is from Pink Petticoat and the image is from Kanban's retro cars and the sentiment is from SU
Thanks for looking - much appreciated!x

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Lime and Green

Hi everyone what an eventful week last week was!! Between the heating breaking down ,the engineer getting  told the wrong day to come, my husband handing in his notice, a weekend away ,and no.2 son getting an interview for a weekend job(while we had no heating or hot water so he had to spend the night at my brothers so he would smell lovely and hair was just so for the interview..and delighted to say he got it !) phew I'm buzzing.!
Still managed to take a peek at the challenge at Less is More and  found that this week it was Lime and Black and straight away I knew that I wanted to make another male card ( no surprise there then!)and try out my new goodies from SU so used the ties and sentiments from the Best Ever Dad set and I used the  colour lucky  limeade, from my stamper pens (love these sooo versatile!) and the sketch at CAS(E) this sketch gave  me the inspiration, but would you believe it I was too late to join their challenge it had closed well maybe next time!
Well off to make the tea ...enjoy the rest of your week! x

Thursday 4 April 2013


 This week the challenge at the crafty cardmakers is Humour ! -
which at the moment I'm sadly lacking, as for the last two days we have been without heating  or water apart from a convector heater that is managing to heat about a third of the living - room - so I have retired up stairs to blog while I still have any feeling left in my fingers !  How easily we take these little things for granted... showers ,taps that run hot, and the pleasure of getting up in the morning and a warm room awaits  ....bliss!!! Roll on tomorrow when the engineer gets here  hee he.
My card is a simple one layer which I have stamped a Bugaboo image on to and 
coloured with promarkers. The sentiments reads....

Thanks for looking ! x