Tuesday 9 April 2013

Lime and Green

Hi everyone what an eventful week last week was!! Between the heating breaking down ,the engineer getting  told the wrong day to come, my husband handing in his notice, a weekend away ,and no.2 son getting an interview for a weekend job(while we had no heating or hot water so he had to spend the night at my brothers so he would smell lovely and hair was just so for the interview..and delighted to say he got it !) phew I'm buzzing.!
Still managed to take a peek at the challenge at Less is More and  found that this week it was Lime and Black and straight away I knew that I wanted to make another male card ( no surprise there then!)and try out my new goodies from SU so used the ties and sentiments from the Best Ever Dad set and I used the  colour lucky  limeade, from my stamper pens (love these sooo versatile!) and the sketch at CAS(E) this sketch gave  me the inspiration, but would you believe it I was too late to join their challenge it had closed ..aw well maybe next time!
Well off to make the tea ...enjoy the rest of your week! x


  1. What a terrific card for a chap Jenni! It looks great, I love the use of the sentiment as a horizontal band!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  2. Goodness, what a busy week in your household! The card is superb, and I love the band of text. Lynn x

  3. This makes a fab Dad card. Hope you are having a calmer week and your heating is all fixed again. x

  4. Hi Jenni, what a fabulous Dad birthday card and great use of the colours!

  5. I love your card - great masculine design!

  6. fab masculine card, jenni!!

  7. Great card for a guy - love that stamp too

  8. Can't wait to hear all your news! Super card, the ties are fab. Xx


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