Monday 27 July 2015

Baby girl

Just a quick post today , as I already have a baby boy card thought that I had  better get a baby girl one done for my nephew only a few weeks before his wife's due date and want to be all organised...for once!
Love this baby feet EF Used the negative side this time) wish I could remember where I got it from but pretty sure it was a bargain bin one!Love too the rocking horse from Clearly besotted .I coloured it using promarkers and cut the sentiments so that I could add the girl under the welcome baby.

Thanks for looking!

Friday 24 July 2015

MCV 12


Well that's our holiday over for another year and we had a great time ,so thought that I would share some of our photos ..playing in the snow in a specially created winter wonderland  in Helsinki (and warming ourselves up with  a Finnish vodka,ok I had  mine well diluted down ,!)

and visiting Estonia and Latvia but the highlight for me was the visit to St Petersburg the Winter Palace was simply stunning and the Hermitage left us completely in awe (and exhausted and footsore it is huge!).

(the church of the spilled blood St Petersburg)
I could go on and on with picture after picture but think this gives you an idea of how stunning it was.

Thankfully the predicted downpours only happened in Latvia,actually think we might have been quite lucky weatherwise... generally overcast days but with occasional bursts of sunshine perfect for sightseeing.The golden onion domes just sparkled when the sun came out!

And finally my husband has suddenly discovered the art of the 'selfie'and among  all of the ones that he managed to cut off our faces and  pics of the sky etc he managed to take this one, and his all time favourite .....
...because he actually managed to get us in the centre and in focus ... pity he forgot to look straight at the camera himself hee he .

Thanks for managing to get down this far I know how hard it can be to look at others holiday pics!
But now on to my card for this weeks Muse Christmas vision!!!!

 This week over at MCV we have a guest designer...Marika!
She has made such a cute and fun card but unfortunately have you guessed it ? cute Christmas stamps as we have no wee ones in the family...yet!my nephew  and his wife are expecting a baby at the end of August,so will  be investing in cute ones no doubt in the future!

So I decided to go with the parcel theme and I found this freebie stamp in my drawer just the right size for making a line of  presents.
I stamped and then heat embossed them in silver ,coloured in the dotty parcel to match Marika's with promarkers and popped it onto a piece of glitter paper then stamped an old SU sentiment and finally added a snowflake from the same glitter paper.

Thanks once again for taking the time to look and read this rather long post by me!

Friday 10 July 2015


Yet again i seem to have done a card that looks nothing like the inspiration card!BUT...
Chriss herself gave me the inspiration for my card ,because when i read how she had done it she mentioned you could use trees,and the rest was history!Let me explain :)...
I recently got the Clearly besotted modern tree die and have been itching to use it so made stripes using SU solid stripe stamp in lost lagoon and real red and diecut them diagonal.To add texture I embossed the background with a dotty embossing folder.Then mounted it on a panel of lost lagoon.No suprise there I hear you say!!!
 Then I added some perfect pearls on the trees using the colours bisque and white which thought would take in the rest of the colours on Chriss's glorious mittens!
FinallyI popped my trees like Chriss did and added a bit of twine (which is unusual for me as I always get in such a kerfuffle with twine and ribbon!) and added the sentiment under my images ,just like Chriss and the sprig of holly?well that is entirely all my own idea!
So can you see where my inspiration came from now ??
Now I must get on with the packing as an incentive I moved the clothes that were strewn all around the spare room into our room so that if they don't get in a case then we don't get into bed tonight...dont think its working because here I am on the computer to get away from the mess lol and Arydth if your reading this at the moment it is 14degrees here and pouring brrrr and I made the mistake of looking at the weather where we are going (to help me pack you understand) and it is rain and more rain and  some are not much warmer than here am I meant to pack for that,thermals and layers I fear! hee he
Honestly this is my last post until after our holiday..which i am sure will be great how could it not !
so thanks for taking the time to look.

Thursday 9 July 2015

Muse 123

One of my favourite challenges is back after a wee short break so just had to play along today and
Ok I know that when you first look at my card you'll wonder where my inspiration came from...apart from the cherries that is... of Joan's stunningly simple but oh ever so gorgeous card !
This was one that evolved as I went along so the cherries drew me straight away  love the sentiment of this SU stamp, SO true!!
I stamped two and cut out the bowl to pop up like Joan's cherries,used stitched rectangle instead of scallops and then matched some  DP to the colour of my bowl ,chose spotty to mimic the spots on the envelope.
Not convinced ??? be honest neither am I just feel it lacks something ,and no not just some glue on the corners!But I should also have been packing not faffing about with this but you know how it is ladies ,cards win every time :)

On the wee small hours of Sunday morning we will be heading off on our Baltic cruise...if I manage to get to grips with etickets,packing and not running around like a headless chicken that is!
We have got out of the habit of holidays abroad as we have been tending to have holidays close by as the boys have needed us to do things for them over the last few years ,so I will admit to feeling quite daunted but I'm sure it will all work hard could it be????
(and Susan if you are reading this I hope you had a brilliant time in Australia!)
See you all in ten days!
Thanks for taking the time to look

Well done

Thought that I would share a couple of exam result cards that I made for a couple of friends children using Su word bubbles dies and a mixture of stamps.The boy one i bought the stamps ages ago and never seemed to find a use for them, but they fit perfect in the diecuts!My problem was I am not up to date with phrases that are in vogue at the moment so decided to play it safe!:-)

Thanks for taking the time to look! 

Monday 6 July 2015

Muse Christmas Vision

Before I start I must apologise for my lack of commenting or even posts over the last couple of weeks !
Work has been really hectic as it usual is at the end of term none moreso than at summer as I'm sure you all know ,but in the midst of trips,garden party,sports and general work itself, I picked up one of those summer viruses .Which then  brought on a skin abcess that I have tendency towards whenever I get a bit run down so that left me feeling a bit wabbit as they say here,so it did take me a wee while to get over those even with the aid of antibiotics ...But I'm back now, fighting fit and finally ON HOLIDAY yay!:)

But back to my card must admit really simple ..again! Think my mojo having a bit of a break too :)
So went back to the old and tried ideas and taking inspiration from Kimberly's beautiful and eye catching baubles done  in navy with white snowflakes,made my central panel with that in mind.
To bring the red into it,I  stamped my sentiment  and added it under the panel to mimic the red under the navy of Kimberlys card .Wishing now though that I had embossed the navy panel with dots or something, aw well too late now.

Thanks for taking a look will now pop over and see what you have all come up with !