Friday 24 July 2015

MCV 12


Well that's our holiday over for another year and we had a great time ,so thought that I would share some of our photos ..playing in the snow in a specially created winter wonderland  in Helsinki (and warming ourselves up with  a Finnish vodka,ok I had  mine well diluted down ,!)

and visiting Estonia and Latvia but the highlight for me was the visit to St Petersburg the Winter Palace was simply stunning and the Hermitage left us completely in awe (and exhausted and footsore it is huge!).

(the church of the spilled blood St Petersburg)
I could go on and on with picture after picture but think this gives you an idea of how stunning it was.

Thankfully the predicted downpours only happened in Latvia,actually think we might have been quite lucky weatherwise... generally overcast days but with occasional bursts of sunshine perfect for sightseeing.The golden onion domes just sparkled when the sun came out!

And finally my husband has suddenly discovered the art of the 'selfie'and among  all of the ones that he managed to cut off our faces and  pics of the sky etc he managed to take this one, and his all time favourite .....
...because he actually managed to get us in the centre and in focus ... pity he forgot to look straight at the camera himself hee he .

Thanks for managing to get down this far I know how hard it can be to look at others holiday pics!
But now on to my card for this weeks Muse Christmas vision!!!!

 This week over at MCV we have a guest designer...Marika!
She has made such a cute and fun card but unfortunately have you guessed it ? cute Christmas stamps as we have no wee ones in the family...yet!my nephew  and his wife are expecting a baby at the end of August,so will  be investing in cute ones no doubt in the future!

So I decided to go with the parcel theme and I found this freebie stamp in my drawer just the right size for making a line of  presents.
I stamped and then heat embossed them in silver ,coloured in the dotty parcel to match Marika's with promarkers and popped it onto a piece of glitter paper then stamped an old SU sentiment and finally added a snowflake from the same glitter paper.

Thanks once again for taking the time to look and read this rather long post by me!


  1. Dang, I wrote this whole comment and it didn't load. Sorry if I pop in twice! I thoroughly enjoyed your (to me, very short, lol) post holiday wrap-up, Jenni! Loved the wodka shot, the Winter Palace, and applause applause to Mr. Jem for the marvelous selfie of the two of you!! I'm glad you had a wonderful time!

    I love your take on Marika's MUSE inspiration! I think you captured the essence of her playful card with your line-up of sparkly whimsical pressies!! Thanks for adding the subscribe button!! Enjoy your day! Hugs, Darnell

  2. Looks like a fantastic trip - what an amazing place with so much history! Love your card - it's almost identical to one of the ideas I had (I had a vertical stack of pressies, but was going to go silver as well!) So glad you joined us at MCV this week!

  3. Looks like a wonderful trip and yay for a great selfie! Love your little packages all limed up on this cute card!

  4. Ah, sure looks like you had a great vacation! Amazing pics! I love your take on Marika's card...what a sparkly, fun line of gifts! Love this card!

  5. Thanks for sharing your vacation pics, they are amazing! I love that you were inspired by the presents from Marika's card and you created a beautiful CAS and festive card! Thanks for playing at MCV this week!

  6. Hi Jenni!!! What a fabulous photo of you and your husband! That must have been a holiday of a lifetime - how wonderful... and your card? it is truly a gift!
    =] Michele

  7. Hihi, thanks for playing along with my challenge with a totally brilliant card but for moreover thank you for visiting my country! We have that cold so much in here that we had to figure out how to warm ourselves. :) Did you also try the sauna?


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment it is greatly appreciated!