Sunday 30 August 2015


Loved this card by Kristie for MCV it is soooo elegant and knew that I had to play along !

So I took my inspiration from the colours,white panel on a black one (ok mine is square),
sentiments of different fonts 
and the use of a bit of bling 

The sentiment stamp is an old SU one that I bought off a friend a couple of years ago .I tried a few colour combo's before settling on this one of lucky limeade and poppy parade.I added the holly and that's another Christmas card is done!
Today in Aberdeen it is predicted to be 20 degrees and sunny ....Hurray !so before I take my lunch out to the garden, nipped out and took the photo out there just so I could say look the sun does shine in Aberdeen :)

 Thanks for taking the time to look

Wednesday 26 August 2015


Tracey' stunning CAS card over at Muse this week is sooo gorgeous that I just had to give it a go right away .Alas no palm trees, but I was inspired by her colours orange,yellow,green and brown , layout and flowers .I love colouring this sunflower by Clearly Besotted and my favourite technique is to use ink pads and blender pens on it.I used SU lucky limeade and memento bamboo for the leaves and spiced marmalade and mustard seed distress inks for the flower head and for the centre of the flower head I used a SU brown marker and did tiny dots all over so hopefully it wouldn't be too flat looking.

I fussy cut it out and  popped it up on a panel as Tracey has done but my panel is slightly larger:)
I stamped a sentiment from Avery Elle in the matching orange ink on a banner (also like Tracey's card,just reversed the colours!) and finally added  a few small perfect pearls.

P.s nearly forgot will be ading this to Pixie Crafty snippets Challenge too as if I am fussy cutting anything out I tend to squeeze the image on to whatever scraps of card that are lying  about!
Thanks for taking the time to look

Monday 24 August 2015


I will confess this was a real struggle for me this week and the amount that went in the recycling bin was scary!! I even thought I wouldn't manage to take part,then I had the idea to make the Muse challenge card very large on the computer and step away and see what popped out at me.... and  finally things started to come together !!
First thing to strike me was the silver doily then the word Joy and of course the green and white spotty panel background

So decided to go with a silver SU snowflake on a large stitched spot/circle (ok I'm reaching here!) on a lucky limeade background with a red joy diecut and a sprinkling of gold sequins to finish.
I don't think it really does Anita's beautiful card justice - but hopefully you can see where Anita inspired me!
Thanks for looking 

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Muse 129

When ever I saw Anita's gorgeous card for the Muse challenge this week I kept focusing on the colours,those beautiful aqua green colours reminded me of the sea.

So walking home from work today I had a lightbulb moment and broke out my new Breezy waves die by memory box and cut out the waves after I had coloured a scrap piece of card with SU tempting turquoise and tumbled glass distress inks .Broke open some more new stuff -Lawn Fawn float my boat stamps.And  finally for the sun I heat embossed  in gold..... and I know you shouldn't say it but I really like this card - .although my husband queried the sentiment saying  that it seemed  to be a bit daft ,who would you send it to ? (the thought did cross my mind.... to the person who gives you CPR after that remark!) :)
Hopefully you can see how I was inspired but just in case :-

Gold embossing 
Colours (loved the white lines between the colours in Anitas card so the waves are meant to mimic that too)
Thank you sentiment
and thank you for taking the time to look !

I would also like to enter this card to a new challenge for me, that I found through another blog (as you do!) and that is Pixie's Crafty workshop - all is required is to use up scrap paper or snippets on your card and I used that on most of that on this card from the panel, waves to the boat.

Sunday 16 August 2015

MCV 15

This is the last day of the holidays back to work tomorrow :(
Although it will be nice to catch up and see the children again .

I know at first glance you are going to wonder where my inspiration came from for this weeks MCV ,but I cannot do dark cards (love  when other people do it and isn't Chriss's a beauty???) I have tried on many occasions. I always end up binning them ,I could have just made one for the challenge but the idea is to add to my stash for it was on with my thinking cap!

I decided to run with the colours green , red, and gold.
Then I remembered that I don't have a large pionsietta  stamp or die ...yet !,guess what I 'm going to be ordering next? :) so thought the red flowers of this W9 wreath set would work ,so that's red flowers on green .Added gold embossed dots going round my image and  the gold embossed Merry Christmas (I was going to put it under the wreath but the middle of the wreath looked too bare) then finally before putting it all together I scored round the edges.
 Hopefully now you can see how I was inspired
Enjoy your weekend
thanks for looking!

Saturday 15 August 2015

Muse 128

(I love Michele's card this week for the Muse challenge, there is something so crisp and clean with the vellum and the colours,don't you think?)

When I popped over to her blog to have a closer look I read that she was challenging us to emboss...Weeeell I am really not an embossing folder type of person I must admit, but I went to the basket were there resides quite a few unloved embossing folders!
I then set about trying to emboss ...the darn things have a mind of there own! they emboss squint -nothing to do with me they went in straight!
So then I thought that i would try the technique that Michele had wrote to me about ,tap a hammer on the embossing folder to emboss random parts,what could be easier???
( Btw Michele you are right hit it too hard and it cracks)
Then I found this houndstooth one and it did start off squint but started big and kept diecutting it til it was straight...bored?? so was I by this time!

Returned to the fray with renewed energy after a cuppa and diecut out the W9 happy  twice so that it would have a shadow,same with the  CBballoons .To add the strings I used a bit of silver Christmas ribbon.Popped it up on foam and dimensional tape ,stepped back and you know what ....I actually thought that little bit of embossing just set the card off Michele you might just have converted me !

Thanks for taking the time to look !!

Monday 10 August 2015

MCV 14s

I realised that the time had ran away from me last week and I still hadn't made my card for MCV! So after a little bit of a ponder in the garden to see what I could make and wonders of wonders with the help of the SUN.!!! yes ,we had sun and it was toasty warm too..... so I could sit OUTSIDE  and ponder :) must have been all those rays from the sun but came up with this idea (and just in time as as the afternoon wore on it clouded over and yup you guessed it the rain is back :(
My inspiration came from Kimberleys:-
 4 rectangles on a dark background
Snowflakes,reindeer,greenery and a sentiment in each rectangle
the colours 
 Thanks for taking the time to look
P.S please can any one tell me how to comment on flickr I see a lot of cards that I would like to comment on but can't,sooooo frustrating ,especially when I see that others have managed it!  

Thursday 6 August 2015

Colour Me....!

When I saw this weeks colour challenge over at Colour Me...! I was so chuffed because guess what I made last night ! 
We have been invited to the evening reception of a work colleague of my husband who is getting married next month,so I tried to keep my acceptence card in the same colour -which fits perfectly with the challenge- and style of their invitation..

I used a heart that I pierced to match one of the hearts on the card and then popped it up over the flourish( this technique has a name but can't remember what it is for the life of me !) and to finally tie in with the flowers on the card I added a punched flower and a liquid pearl to finish. 

Hopefully you can see where my inspiration came from on the original card :)
Though it was a bit bashed when I  got it home from my hubby he had stuffed it in his works bag...Men!

Thanks for taking the time to look

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Muse 127

Last week when I was feeling miserable with a sore throat and swollen glands, guess what popped through the door to cheer me up ?

This card from a very famous lady in blogland ....Darnell!!!,isnt the colours just so bright and cheerful?I know the suprise card brought a huge smile to my face.!Thanks Darnell and thanks for the belated birthday wishes.It appears that Darnell will always be that little bit older than me as her birthday is the day before mine ;)

Now onto my card this week for Muse.I wanted to capture the beautifully clean and crisp look of Joan's card,so decided to go with her colour scheme of green ,red and turquoise,think Darnells card was inspiring me with the colours too !

I used SU tempting turquoise linen card stock for a bit of texture and also their ink, and W9 flower/leaves stamps.I also wanted to make my focal point between the leaves as Joan had done .To bring my own stamp to the card I used sequins instead of hearts and my sentiment under my flowers -the middle one i popped up .I missed out the  twine ..I struggle with adding twine Im just all fingers and thumbs so it just looks a mess,love to see it on others cards though and often suffer from twine envy in fact! Must look for a tutorial. :)

Thanks for taking the time to look