Thursday 10 September 2015

Susan's 50th

My friend Susan turns 50 today and this is the card that I made her.Susan is the reason that I got into card making,but unfortunately for me she has went back to her first love which is sewing.She makes the most amazing quilts ,crafts,cushions get the idea  and she tried to get me into it ...unfortunately I'm more a wonder web kinda person.:(
I really wanted to make this card to be about her love of sewing  and so originally did  manage to sew together a few patchwork hexagons and at first thought I could make the number 50 out of them (even sewed a few more together Susan) but it was a disaster they frayed and just looked like rejects from Frankenstein's clothes!!!!

So went back to the old drawing board, and when I saw the spare fabric that I had used ,decided to cover a piece of card with it .I found it easier to iron the fabric onto the card as that gave me the marks to follow for pulling it tight and folding. Trimmed and glued it (no wonder web used at all hee he!) 
Then I heat embossed the Uniko studio 'fabulous' on a piece of vellum and the &,added the numbers 50 and the daisy and gem to finish (using snippets from my scrap bag) and actually felt well pleased with it until I noticed the little bulge at the top grrrr but still think I can go play at the

Thanks for taking the time to look


  1. Well I am TOTALLY with you on the wundaweb front Jenni! I can also barely sew a button on!
    LOVE the look of this 50th birthday card. The composition of it is brilliant.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  2. I love my card and am well impressed with your use of fabric. Not so impressed at being 50 though! Lol! xx

  3. Jenni I am betting your friend Susan is over the top happy that you went to this effort just to make a card to please her ... as she should be - its darling, and oh so sweet!
    =] M


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