Sunday 1 November 2015

The Challenge # 48, CASologyand the Playground

My husband is feeling poorly ...its a cold!:) so we decided to have a lazy day ...Yay means I got to play in between housework etc and I had been browsing through my favourite blogs and I found that The Challenge this week is all about weddings .

Great, I have to make a anniversary card thought that I would give it a go.,,and this is what I came up with so not only made one that said for anniversary I made another one for a wedding day too !.
Must admit on my phone the & in this picture looked more silver than it does on the table top one ..oops but I did stamp the heart with a 'flowery' stamp (clearly besotted) so hopefully that is enough inspiration from the photo to qualify!
My sentiment is from Mama Elephant.

It is also a while since I played over at CASology and the cue word is :-

Perfect so will be entering my card over there too.
Finally I would like to add my card over at the Playground  as I have been playing hooky lately and have missed all the fun behind the bikesheds! :( 
Thanks for taking the time to look


  1. A lovely wedding card. The stitched heart is so pretty! Thank you for playing along with us this week at The Challenge.

  2. Love this CAS beauty! Amazing how less can be so much more! Thanks for sharing with us at The Challenge!

  3. A beautiful and very effective CAS design Jenni!
    Thanks for joining Casology this week!

  4. Oh, that is such a classy card Jenni! Hazel x

  5. REally lovely, Jenni! Looks wonderful in The Challenge gallery - thank you!

  6. Hola Jenni, perfect CAS card, so elegant, i love it!
    Warm hugs from Palma

  7. Aha . . . but you can join in with the fun behind the bike sheds THIS week Jenni. All you have to do is smuggle something illicit into the Playground and meet me round the back of the bike sheds to offload it in preparation for the Party on November 5th. Look forward to seeing you.

    Your card layout is such a great design and so crisp and fresh.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  8. Wonderful Jenni! Really elegant - clean and fresh is always good! Oh that Sarn, she's up to mischief again I see! :)


    Di xx

  9. What a pretty card design, hope your husband is feeling better soon.

    Hugs diane

  10. This is lovely Jenni. So classy.

  11. This is such a lovely card. So simple but beautiful.


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