Monday 14 March 2016

Wedding card

I have friends that after a 24 year long engagement (yeah you read that right!)  have decided that the time is right for them to now get married! and as my friend is one that  defies convention at the best of times I decided that a less traditional  card was maybe the option to go with.
So I found at the back of a drawer these fabulous steampunk stamps that just cried out to be used as a wedding card ,an impulse buy that has never been used....
I just highlighted them with a grey and pink ink and used promarkers for the skin and a clearly besotted sentiment but wishing now that I had left off the two hearts ????
 This is something so different for me, but I kinda enjoyed using something different for a change|!
Thanks for popping in for a look 


  1. I love this, Jenni! I have the same impulse-buy set, in fact I was obsessed with tracking it down, finally got my hands on it, and have never used it but you've inspired me to use it :)

    1. Thanks Shirley I am really pleased how they turned out got a feeling that I may be finding a use for them again !:)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jenni it's time they were taken out of the drawer! Now, about your friends? What took them so long! Gorgeous card...

  3. Simply your wonderful image and amazing coloring.

  4. Stunning wedding card Jenni, love those stamps and your colours are perfect. I like the hearts btw!
    Val x


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